Tutorials vbnetKKTechGameMaster


How to add a new list to the List Random Name Generator

If you want to add a new list of names to use with the the List Random Name Generator, you have to execute the actions listed below.

You have to create a new file with the extension .dat into the directory dat of your vbnetKKTechGameMaster installation.
The first line of your file needs to contain the string Set=<list description>, where <list description> is the description of your list that will be displayed in the frame Current Set.
The next lines of the dat file will contain the names.

For example, if you want to create a new list, called English Names J with the names John, Johathan, Johnny, your dat file will be:

Set=English Names J

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How to add a new font in the fonts' combo boxes

If you want to add a new font in a font's combo box, you have to open the conf file choosed and to write in a new line the font's name that you want to add.

If you need to add a new font whose name contains a comma, the font's name must be delimited by double quotation marks in the configuration file.
For example:

		"Battel Abbey, 8th c."

You can find free fonts for personal use only in the sites suggested below:

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How to add a new translation language to the application

If you want to add a new translation language to the application, you have to execute the actions listed below.

You have to create a new conf file copying the file vbnetKKTechGameMaster-en.conf and renaming the copy with name vbnetKKTechGameMaster-<lang identifier>.conf into the directory conf of your vbnetKKTechGameMaster installation, where <lang identifier> is the identifier of the language you want to use.
You have to translate all the strings on the right of the character =, without modifing the strings on the left (is the string's identifier), in your new vbnetKKTechGameMaster-<lang identifier>.conf.

You have to open the conf file vbnetKKTechGameMaster.conf to modify the string AppLanguage=<lang identifier> with your new language identifier.
You have to translate the conf file FontColor.conf.

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How to add a new font's style to the application

If you want to add a new font's style to the application, you have to execute the actions listed below.

You have to modify the conf file FontStyle.conf to add the name, with spaces if needed, of your new font's style.
Then, you have to modify the conf file FontStyleDetails.conf to add the lines listed below, writing the value of the style's attribute on the right of the character =:

<Font Style Name>FontName=.... (font name)
<Font Style Name>FontSize= .... (font size)
<Font Style Name>Bold=.... (False or True)
<Font Style Name>Italic=.... (False or True)
<Font Style Name>Underline=.... (False or True)

where <Font Style Name> is the name of your new font's style, in which you replaced the spaces with the character uderscore (_).
For example, the font style name Heading 1 become Heading_1

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How to add a new custom help file to the application

If you want to add a new custom html help file to the application (chm file format only), you have to execute the actions listed below.

You have to copy your new custom html help file (chm file format only) into the directory customhtmlhelp of your vbnetKKTechGameMaster installation.

You have to modify the conf file HelpCustom.conf to add the description, with spaces if needed, of your new custom html help file.
Then, you have to modify the conf file HelpCustomDetails.conf to add the line listed below, writing the help file name on the right of the character =:

<Custom Help File Description>=<Custom Help File Name>.chm

where <Custom Help File Description> is the description of your new custom help file, in which you replaced the spaces with the character uderscore (_).
For example, the description Custom Help 1 become Custom_Help_1

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